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2022-11-28 - 10 min. reading
Top Benefits of a Standing Desk
rol ergo
standing desk

Most know that sedentary work is detrimental to health. The range of such damage can range from back pain to heart disease, depression or insomnia. Spend 8-10 hours sitting? Definitely risking diabetes and heart disease. It is difficult to achieve the goal of walking at least 2 hours a day when you work in an office. In cases where this is not compatible with the nature of the work, the only health-friendly option is to work at a height-adjustable desk. After all, neither the programmer nor the accountant, by the nature of their work, can spend much time walking.

Man is not born to sit. It's easy to see this when watching young children - the 5-year-old is happy to move, run and do it in the fairest way possible. First grade is when more time is spent on instruction rather than play, and kids are forced to sit still for periods of time that even adults have difficulty handling (has that teacher walking around at the front of the class ever wondered why he or she is more focused than the students?).  This sitting results in legs muscles deactivating and becoming weak and imbalanced. 

When considering evolution, it is clear that for centuries man had to move in order to survive. Hunting and agriculture in olden times required intensive movement. In today's world, the decline in movement is not limited to people in mental work. Still, office workers suffer the most health damage from sitting. Even the sport cannot compensate for the bad effects of long-term immobility. A workplace with a little movement is the only good way out.

Every office worker who cares about his or her health should move for at least 2 minutes for each half-hour sitting. Ideally, you would just have to stand for part of your working time.


The height-adjustable desk is exactly the solution. The height-adjustable desk helps to save health and increases the productivity of the person working on it. A healthy and happy employee is the ambition and success of every organization.

Combining sitting and standing work has the following benefits:

  • Increased energy. The variable position table helps to move, which improves blood circulation and oxygenation of the brain.
  • Mood improves. Sitting for 6 hours and longer has been shown to have lower psychological well-being than those who exercise more.
  • Avoid muscle and joint stiffness. Muscles and joints move as you change position.
  • Productivity increases. Studies show that using a rotary table can increase productivity by 45%.

Height-adjustable desks are an essential feature of a modern office. Recently, more and more office furniture manufacturers are paying special attention to ergonomics - the demand for adjustable height table frames is growing. After all, a worker complaining of back or neck pain will probably have less productivity than someone who feels great in the workplace.

Reguliuojamo aukščio stalo rėmas ROL ERGO

A height-adjustable desk will be useful not only in the office but also at home. After all, it is just as important to have a decent workplace when working from home. Such a solution is relevant even for a child or teenager - purchasing a height-adjustable desk will not have to worry about the frequent adaptation of the pupil's furniture to the changed height of the offspring.

In the Joldija's range, you'll find ROL ERGO height-adjustable desk frames with exceptional reliability, quality and durability.

The origins of the worldwide ROL group are a family business founded in 1985 in Sweden. The company currently operates in 9 countries, one of which is Lithuania. ROL ERGO is a brand with a strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility. During the product development and production stages, the aim is to minimize environmental impact. The ROL ERGO height-adjustable table frame is designed for people who are not indifferent to sustainability. The ROL Group pays great attention to the selection of environmentally friendly materials, efficient supply chain management, environmentally friendly production, waste management, a safe working environment and good working conditions. The ROL ERGO height-adjustable table frame is designed for those who want a long-lasting solution - they value quality items and ergonomic solutions in everyday life.
