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Emuca Multi-plug connector for Desktop Atom 26 Lite, 225x111mm, 2 Schuko plugs, 1 USB Type A, 1 USB Type C, Zamak-Steel-Plastic, Black

Atlenkiamas rozečių blokas 2x250V, USB A, USB C -...
Code: 5039814 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€94.86 / unit

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Product details
Color: Black painted
Material: Zamak, Steel, Plastic
Other information: 1 socket strip, installation screws
Product description

The Atom 26 Lite socket strip for desks or meeting tables, it is also perfect for household furniture next to the television. Its design facilitates a fully embedded integration into the furniture thanks to its white, black or grey finish.

Features two Schuko F-type sockets (EU) with a maximum admissible power of up to 3,000 W - 13 A, and two USB A-type and C-type USB connectors for charging 5V DC (1 x 1A / 2 x 0.5A) electronic devices. Includes an automatic push-button elevation cap for easy access to connectors and a discreet LED 'ON' light.

Its installation is highly versatile as it includes a 1.5 m cable with a plug to run on 230 V AC 50 Hz. Requires a 225 x 111 mm board machining and can be mounted on very thick surfaces, up to a maximum of 36 mm. Attachment to the furniture is performed with brackets and screws supplied in the kit.

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