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LED lighting systems switch, ON-OFF, 230Vac 5A, controllable by hand wave

LED lighting systems switch, ON-OFF, 230Vac 5A,...
Code: SR-8001A Left: 40 unit
Package price:
€19.83 / unit

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Product details
Type: Judesio valdiklis
Brand: Sunricher
Įėjimo įtampa DC nuo (V): 230
Įėjimo įtampa DC iki (V): 36
Jungimo tipas: Sunricher laidinis
Valdymo srovė (mA): Sunricher laidinis
Valdymas: Vienos spalvos
Srovė (A): 5
Product description
The SR-8001 series is a IR sensor switch with high sensitivity and detection range of 1-10cm. The IR sensor switch is designed with compact size. For SR-8001A, hand wave will turn on or turn off the light and any reflection within the detection range would switch on the light and swicth off when a new motion is detected. For SR-8001B, any reflection within the detection range would cause the status OFF of switch and no reflection to cause status ON of switch. The IR sensor switch is ideal for kitchen,furniture, mirror etc.
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