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Constant current LED power supply 230Vac with Easy-RF receiver, sunricher

Constant current LED power supply 230Vac with Easy-RF...
Code: SRP-2504-50W-CC Left: 19 unit
Package price:
€32.23 / unit

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Product details
Type: Maitinimo šaltinis
Brand: Sunricher
Jungimo tipas: Sunricher Easy-RF
Valdymo srovė (mA): Sunricher Easy-RF
Product description

Input Voltage: 200-240VAC (50/60Hz)
Output voltage: 15-48Vdc
Max power: 50W (2.08a)

Posibility to choose desired constant current by using DIP-SWITCHES:
250mA 300mA 350mA 400mA 450mA 500mA 600mA 700mA 800mA 900mA 1000mA 1100mA 1200mA 1300mA 1400mA 1500mA
PF: >0.9
Efficiency (Typ.): 85% @ 230Vac
Short Circuit protection, Over voltage protection, Over load protection
Working Temp.: -20℃ ~ +45℃
Max. Case Temp: 85℃

Posibility to connect with any Sunricher Easy-RF remote


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