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IMI LEATHER 1392 aliuminio lydinio rankenėlė, ruda, ilgis 600 mm

IMI aliuminio lydinio rankenėlė, 600mm, ruda -
Code: IMI LEATHER 1392 Left: 19 unit
Package price:
€31.40 / unit

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Product details
Color: Brown
Height, mm: 37
Length, mm: 600 MM
Material: aluminum
Coating: leather
Fastening step, mm: 560
Width, mm: 17 MM
Product description

Aliuminio rankenėlė su malonia liesti oda. Spalva - ruda.


atstumas tarp tvirtinimo taškų 560 mm: ilgis - 600 mm, plotis - 17 mm, aukštis - 37 mm,

In exceptional cases, the mentioned product details may not match to the details of the product in reality. Not all product details are listed.
Product color or shade in the photo may not match to the actual color or shade.
There is a possibility that product stock left in our warehouse and the e-shop may not match. As a result, we may not be able to fulfill your order in exceptional cases, or we will only execute a part of it.
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