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DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close

Package price:
from €74.37
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Reference Color Closing Power factor, N Quantity Price
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011279 balta su švelniu pritraukimu 730-799 N < 500 pcs.
€74.37 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011280 antracitas su švelniu pritraukimu 730-799 N 47 pcs.
€74.37 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011281 balta su švelniu pritraukimu 800-879 N 25 pcs.
€74.37 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011282 antracitas su švelniu pritraukimu 800-879 N 48 pcs.
€74.37 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011283 balta su švelniu pritraukimu 880-859 N 37 pcs.
€76.85 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011284 antracitas su švelniu pritraukimu 880-859 N 44 pcs.
€76.85 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011285 balta su švelniu pritraukimu 960-1040 N < 500 pcs.
€76.85 / unit
DTC Lifting Systems with Soft Close J011286 antracitas su švelniu pritraukimu 960-1040 N < 500 pcs.
€76.85 / unit
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There is a possibility that product stock left in our warehouse and the e-shop may not match. As a result, we may not be able to fulfill your order in exceptional cases, or we will only execute a part of it.
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