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Emuca Lot of 10 Pistons for lift-up doors H, 8kg, distance range 100mm, with hooks, Steel and Plastic, Metallic grey

Code: 1274225 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€30.07 / unit

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Product details
Color: Silver painted
Material: Steel, Plastic
Load capacity: 8
Power, N: 80 N
Other information: 10 lift-up pistons, 10 side hooks, 10 hooks for Wood door, 10 hooks for aluminium framed door, mounting screws
Product description

Pistons for furniture that enable the opening of wooden doors or those with an aluminium frame. They provide cushioned lifting of the lift-up door in kitchen, home and bathroom furniture. These cushioning pistons are supplied in individual bags with assembly instructions. Each bag contains a piston, a catch for the side, a catch for wooden door, a catch for aluminium frame door and the necessary screws.

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