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Emuca Sling pull down wardrobe rail lift, 600 - 830, Titanium, Steel and Plastic

Ištraukiama pakaba (pantografas) drabužinei, 600-830 mm...
Code: 7030152 Left: 45 unit
Package price:
€63.62 / unit

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Product details
Color: Titanium
Material: Steel, Plastic
Other information: 1 Wardrobe pull down rail, mounting screws
Brand: Emuca
Product description

The Sling pull down wardrobe rail lift makes it possible to have access to the upper areas of the wardrobe without effort. The width of the bar is adjustable in order to adapt to the usable space of the wardrobe, and also has soft movement with cushioned folding back and a maximum load of 12 kg. If installing in a wardrobe with hinged doors it is recommended to assemble along with the Sling side supplement 7030315/7030325/7030352.

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