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Emuca Pair of rotating trays Shelvo 3/4, for 900mm module, Plastic and Aluminium, White

Karuselė virtuvės spintelei, 3/4 rato d900mm, pagaminta...
Code: 8928915 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€136.52 / unit

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Product details
Color: White
Material: Plastic, Aluminium
Other information: 2 Trays, 1 aluminium rail, connecting parts
Brand: Emuca
Product description

Three-quarter rotating trays designed to take advantage of space in L-shaped corner kitchen furniture. They are easy to install and adaptable to different module heights. They are available for measures of 800 mm and 900 mm modules and in white and gray finishes . The system consists of 2 trays and mounting accessories made of recyclable plastic, antistatic, high resistance to impacts and ultraviolet rays and a central bar of aluminum matte anodized finish. They have a load capacity of 20kg per tray .

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