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Emuca Pull-out mirror for inside wardrobe, Moka painted, Steel and Plastic and Glass

ištraukiamas veidrodis drabužinei, reguliuojamas, 340 x...
Code: 7018013 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€109.91 / unit

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Product details
Color: Moka painted
Height, mm: 1000
Length, mm: 300 MM
Material: Steel, Plastic, Glass
Other information: 1mirror, runners, screws and installation instructions
Brand: Emuca
Product description

Pull-out mirror for interior wardrobewith frame in mocha or metallic grayfinishes. This means you can combine the mirror with our other ranges of accessories in your fitted wardrobes or dressing rooms.

It is easy to install, without machine work, simply by screwing it into the furniture. To make the process easier, it is supplied with the screws needed to fasten it. In order to install it the cabinet requires a minimal depth of 380mm.

Once installed, the mirror can be taken from the furniture with a smooth, silent movement thanks to its guides with 45 mm bearings that have a trigger for detaching it and that allows installation on either the right or left-hand side. Once the mirror is extracted, it pivots on its support until 180º in order to direct it as you wish.

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