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Emuca Polux LED wardrobe rail with motion sensor (12V DC), L858mm, Plastic and Aluminium, Metallic grey

Pakabinimo kartelė su LED apšvietimu,  708-858 mm, 4...
Code: 5074762 Left: < 1000 unit
Package price:
€48.58 / unit

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Product details
Color: Matt anodized
Material: Plastic, Aluminium
Other information: 1 rail, 2 side supports, screws and mounting instructions
Brand: Emuca
Product description
The Polux LED Closet Bar has a motion sensor that facilitates on and off through motion capture with a detection range less than 1.5 meters, the luminaire will turn off within 45 seconds After not perceiving movement, it can be installed in a 558 mm cabinet gap being accommodated in smaller spaces by cutting the bar. Its assembly consists of screwing the bar to the sides of the space where it is installed. The materials used are matt anodized aluminum and rubber to reduce the noise of the hangers. Allow 12V DC electricity input, you need a 12V converter which is not included.
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