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Emuca Recycling external bin with compartments Recycle Stainless steel, pedal-operated lid opener, 2x15litres, Stainless steel

Sorting bins (2x15L), stainless steel -
Code: 8200365 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€197.83 / unit

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Product details
Color: Stainless steel
Material: Stainless steel
Other information: 1 bin
Brand: Emuca
Product description

Recycle Inox rubbish bins, perfect for to separating and classifying your waste. Available in three sizes and capacities:

Recycle bin with 3 x 9-litre compartments.

Recycle bin with 3 x 15-litre compartments.

Recycle bin with 2 x 15-litre compartments.

The Recycle bins offer great capacity thanks to their compartments, they are very comfortable to use since each compartment has an independent pedal, in addition,each of the lids features a soft closing system that dampens their closing. Each compartment features a bin with a carrying handle for easy removal and cleaning of waste. Steel design with Inox finish and lids made in black colour which include a coloured slot s so you can classify the waste.

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