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Emuca Kit of recycling bins for kitchen drawer Recycle height 266mm, 2x15litres, 2x7litres, Anthracite grey plastic

Sorting bins with 4 capacities (2x15; 2x7), gray -...
Code: 8198523 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€57.84 / unit

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Product details
Color: Anthracite grey
Material: Plastic
Other information: 2 x 15L bins, 2 x 7L bins
Brand: Emuca
Product description

The Emuca Recycle containers for drawers make the classified collection of waste in a discreet and orderly way easier as they are built-into the kitchen furniture.

They are available in two different container heights with a useful capacity from 7 litres to 15 litres.

The containers have different coloured handles in order to facilitate the identification of the waste they contain, as well as their extraction, in order to empty them and clean them.

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