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Emuca Flexible Plate rack, roll-up, made of silicone, Steel and Plastic, Grey

Indų džiovykla, 330 x 520 mm, balta -
Code: 8939221 Left: < 1000 unit
Package price:
€24.29 / unit

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Product details
Color: Grey plastic
Material: Plastic
Other information: -
Brand: Emuca
Product description
Flexible and rollable dish rack with racks for plates and glasses, made of steel and gray silicone. Improve and optimize the space in your kitchen thanks to its flexibility and easy installation.
It can be used as a trivet to hold a hot or frozen frying pan because it is resistant to temperatures from -30º to 230º. The dimensions are 330x520 mm and it supports up to 14 kg. Please measure the size of your sink to verify that it is suitable.
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