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Emuca Kit of dish racks for furniture, holds 13 plates, Plastic, Anthracite grey

Lėkščių laikiklis, skirtas 13  lėkščių,...
Code: 8938523 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€64.78 / unit

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Product details
Color: Anthracite grey
Material: Plastic
Other information: 2 covers and 2 central blocks
Product description
Plate organizer with capacity for 13 plates, ideal for transport and fitting into cupboards and drawers. This organizer allows you to arrange the plates in your kitchen vertically and keep them handy, protecting them from breakage and scratching.
The high-quality plastic design makes it easy and light to transport them, ensuring that they last longer. This plate organizer can be fixed to the furniture shelf or to the drawer base by means of screws (not included) following the included assembly instructions to facilitate its installation.
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