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Emuca Base for kitchen drawer bins Recycle, 3 compartments, module 800mm, Anthracite grey Plastic

Trash can insert for 80cm front width drawers -
Code: 8197123 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€48.58 / unit

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Product details
Color: Anthracite grey
Material: Plastic
Other information: 1 base M70
Brand: Emuca
Product description

The basis Emuca Recycle for containers for kitchen drawers make the classified collection of waste in a discreet and orderly way easier as they are built-into the kitchen furniture.

They are available for 60 cm, 80 cm and 90 cm wide units, which makes it possible to obtain different configurations with the containers.

The bases can be cut in order to achieve perfect adjustment to the usable drawer space where they are installed.

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