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Emuca Ironing board folding and pull-out Ironing board for Iron furniture, Steel, White painted

Ištraukiama lyginimo lenta, 945 mm, plienas, balta
Code: 8037512 Left: < 500 unit
Package price:
€167.76 / unit

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Product details
Color: White painted
Material: Steel
Other information: 1 pull-out ironing board, screws
Other information: 1 ištraukiama lyginimo lenta, varžtai
Brand: Emuca
Product description

Emuca ironing board made from steel with a white painted finish. The runners built into its structure make it possible to perfectly integrate it into the furniture when it is folded. For installation it is necessary to have furniture with a minimum depth of 500mm and an inner width of the unit of between 360mm and 520mm.

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